Poems and Performances by Jennifer A. McGowan
Some of Jennifer's poems and videos of her performing them.
Jennifer A McGowan at the Bar des Arts
Jennifer McGowan reading poems from her new collection "The Weight of Coming Home" on the 18th August, 2015 at the Bar des Arts, Guildford, Surrey, UK as a featured poet at the regular poetry event hosted by Dónall Dempsey of The 1000 Monkeys.
Jen at the Keystone
This video features performances of "Mary Magdalen Walks By Another Construction Site" and "Lot's Wife Considers Reincarnation", which won the Guildford Keystone Slam in September 2014.
Poets in Oxford Performance Poetry
Jennifer was one of six "leading local voices" who headlined at the Oxford Brookes performance at The Old Fire Station in Oxford. You can skip to her performance at 38 minutes, 50 seconds into the video.
©2012, 2013 Jennifer A. McGowan
was published in Agenda in the "Celtic Mists" issue (late 2012)
©2010 Jennifer A. McGowan
First published in the 2010 edition of the Vermont Literary Review.
Lost to View
©2010 Jennifer A. McGowan
First published in the Fall 2010 edition of the Connecticut Review
Other Places
Other places where you can find more of Jennifer's poetry on the internet.